Monday, May 5, 2014

The Graduate

1) In class I found out that the director of the play was Mike Nichols. Mike was only one of twelve people to win all the major American entertainment awards. These awards are as followed: An Emmy, Grammy, Oscar and Tony award. He was also awarded the national medal of arts and received the lifetime achievement award from the American film institute. This director was truly one of the greats and it shows in the film The Graduate. Furthermore, I feel that Dustin Hoffman being the great actor that he ended up being truly shined in this movie and kicked off his career. He was nominated best actor in his starring role in The Graduate and several actors in different movies.

2) In the article I found it reviews The Graduate and gives some insight on the movie that might not be understood. It was said that, "It is funny, not because of sight gags and punch lines and other tired rubbish, but because it has a point of view." It simply means that the comedy is against something. The audience is more the target of the joke then the actors in the movie. I found this fact very interesting and thought about other movies that had the same type of style. This style incorporated by the British director Mike Nichols.

3) The article that I summarized really opened my eyes to the true structure of the film. Since the comedy was meant for the viewer once I thought about it I saw how the movie really did make me feel as if I was in the movie, so to speak. Furthermore, the article talks about the movie and goes in depth about Hoffman and the other actors in the play. This allowed me to understand their roles better and ultimately the movie’s plot really became understood. Whereas before I was not so sure I understood the movies climax or real meaning.

4) The movie the graduate was more of a romance/ drama than anything else. I found the romance to be quite twisted in the fact that it was an affair within the family so to speak. This really made me feel disgust for the entirety of the film. This is most likely a personal emotion due to the fact that I see cheating and even so in this case more so as very un-moral. Marriage and love are supposed to be sacred acts that are performed with that one person and one person only till death do us part. However I only feel that way about the story line/plot I feel that each actor played his role correctly. I also did realize that the twists in this movie were not subtle rather in your face. I found this interesting because to the individuals in the movie it was a complete mystery. I enjoy when a director does not leave out any details and allows the viewer to be in on what's going on rather than confused and waiting for the answers to be revealed.

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