Sunday, March 23, 2014

Journal 2 "It happened one night"

Christopher Garcia
Journal 2
1)      It happened one night was one of the earlier films that were in complete sound. With the gold rush and other movies that Charlie Chaplin did only had tiny bits of text dialogue. When this aspect of sound was introduced to society many actors where cut or could not keep up with the change. However, this did allow the recruit of many actors from New York and many stars that we know today to be discovered. With sound also came the availability of not having to speak into a specific microphone as we saw with dancing in the rain. The availability to have sound picked up in an area rather than a specific spot allowed for movies such as “it happened one night” to be developed. This specific point is one of the larger points that I felt effected movies in a big way specifically in “it happened one night”.
2)      I found an article online at that really allowed me to understand “It happened one night”. It did not only summarize the movie and allowed me to understand the true drama that was portrayed. But gave specific details about the actors that made the company what it was. As said by TCM “The bad boy was Clark Gable, who was becoming an important star, and flexing his muscles. He told Mayer he wouldn't play any more gigolo roles, and he wanted a raise. Mayer would punish him by exiling him to Siberia on Poverty Row. Gable arrived for his first meeting with Capra drunk, rude, and angry.” However though such a movie was able to come out in the article I was surprised to find that the studio that made such a movie was not considered being one of the greats of the time. As stated by TCM, “In the early 1930s, Columbia Pictures was considered a "Poverty Row" studio, making cheap B-movies. This forced me to believe that this movie had a great effect on Columbia pictures studios and allowed it to become the great company it is today.
3)      Before reading the article I expected for the actors and the studio to be already famous and rich. Yet I come to find that the actors and directors where not only B actors and had continuing conflicts. But the studio Columbia pictures at the time were called a poor B studio as well. This allowed me to believe that the changes in time really affected the actors as well as the studios that hired such individuals. I feel that America’s belief in the poor can become the rich with effort and time really shown greatly. Furthermore, I did not realize that the film came from a magazine story called “night bus”. Most great films in my experience always come from books and although surprised I was not shocked that such a film came from a text. I have concluded that this film from the article was greatly underestimated and as the film was watched through word of mouth more and more people came to see it. Once this occurred the film blew up and it was realized as one of the great films of that era by people that were not truly discovered.
4)      The film “It happened one night” truly represents a drama that contains many twists and turns. In the beginning it seems that they both do not enjoy one another’s company and constantly do things that upset each other. However, there are always times when Clark Gable the male actors acts sweet towards Claudette Colbert the female actress and continues to do so throughout the film. The turn that surprised me was the morning when both actors woke up in the hotel. From then on Claudette acted very sweet and loving almost enduring toward Clark and though at times she got upset the love that was portrayed did not change until they were married. From the start to the end of the film there was witty comedy and really turned into a screwball of a comedy with a dramatic twist. There are many movies knower days that does the same and there hit after hit. This movie really surprised me with the quick jokes, clever antiques, as well as romantic yet manly feel of the movie. I see why it was a great hit and enjoyed watching and analyzing the film from start to finish.

Journal Article:

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