Saturday, March 29, 2014

Journal 3 Stagecoach

Christopher Garcia
Stagecoach Journal 3
Before going over the PowerPoint’s or reading the text I watched the stagecoach without knowledge beforehand. I found this to allow me to take my own point of view of what the movie stood for as well as the characteristics of each character in the movie. I was able to realize many key characteristics in john Wayne’s character specifically. I was able to realize that though he was portrayed as a villain or bad guy he had many hypocritical values/morals. For example, He held family, home, decency, democracy as well as put a lot of his faith into others. These are all good or Christian like values that unlike villains who only believe in themselves or what they can gain from others. Similarly Clair Trevor gave me the impression that she felt she was not a good person and held onto a lot of shame. Which I came to find in the PowerPoint shame was a theme along with prostitution which I came to realize was included very subtly in the movie. I found these characteristic traits from the notes and PowerPoint to really help me better understand the characters and ultimately the movie as a whole.
            In the article that I found on the Stagecoach I have come to find many interesting facts about the stars of the movie as well as the movies effect on society. I did not realize that this movie did not only revitalize the idea that western movie could not only be an art form like many other movies as well as being entertaining to watch. Furthermore, the Stagecoach also renewed John Wayne who before this was an extra, stuntman and then B actor. This was John Wayne’s first time being the leading/starring role in any movie that he was in, though he was in a lot of movie before finally getting his lead role in Stagecoach. Alongside John Wayne John Ford returned to the movie industry with the stagecoach after some years. John Ford as I understand it took the break in order to allow his idea of this specific genre which he continued to make movies with after the Stagecoach. The article also goes into more detail about other movies that both John Ford directed and John Wayne stared in. I found this article to give a deeper understanding of both John Wayne and John Ford as individuals.
            Comparing the article to the film in terms of how it changed the way I viewed the film made me ponder. I feel that before I read the article I saw John Wayne as a born star rather than one that worked very hard to get to where he did. I also did not realize that John Ford had much previous success as well as the fact that this film was his return to the industry. When I looked over the film again I thought, “For someone of that time to make a film like this it had to be someone looking outside the box”. Simply said I feel that someone who was not in the immediate industry I feel could not make the genre that John Ford did. Moreover, when looking at what an Ark Movie entails it allowed me to understand what the film was truly portraying. I did not even know what an Ark movie was until I read the article and it made a difference. It also allowed me to look at different movies both in past, present, and future movies to come out and I found it shocking that I did not understand that theme until recently. Ultimately the article successfully did change my view on the Stagecoach in terms of what it stands for as a movie.
            To conclude, I feel that this movie was one of survival that allowed many different characters to come together where normally they would not. This also allowed for many different morals, views, as well as actions to be shown that also normally would not take place. The idea to survive was entangled in the idea of death throughout the movie. Though normally life and death comes hand in hand I have not seen a movie in this class that I felt that was truly taken heavily. I felt that the Stagecoach had many intense themes and some comedic relief that really allowed this movie to shine. All in all I understand why this movie was viewed as a metaphor for society. Ultimately this movie makes me feel that all people regardless of stature carry a law that they see as just within themselves.

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